"I knew I had a bigger purpose and Rachel has helped me see what it actually is and own it."


It takes a brave person to be the LEADER

It's exciting, empowering when you are at the forefront, when you are leading or when you are pioneering.

Yet it can also feel daunting when you are the one who's in charge, the one that people look to for answers. When you are seen as the authority in your field - the weight of it can sit heavily on your shoulders.

Who can you turn to for answers, when you recognise there are things within yourself you need to address or you know you're ready for another level of growth?

You may feel like you shouldn't show any weakness, or you may even feel ashamed for craving more for your life - why should you when it seems to others like you’ve got it all?

So you keep your mask on and hope the cracks don't begin to show.

But holding it all inside comes out in unexpected ways, like:

• Stress and anxiety

• Feeling unfulfilled

• Financial worries

• Neglected relationships

• Poor sleep

• Physical discomfort

• Fear

This can lead to a sense of overwhelm, frustration, getting stuck in a loop of self-sabotage, self soothing, and procrastination.

But that fear isn’t real

You are feeling all these things because you have such incredible unrealised potential!

Your inner being is calling you to growth but FEAR is stopping you from changing.

However, when you decide it's okay for you to be vulnerable, to take off the mask and be seen, incredible shifts happen.

The world wants to see all of who you are, feel all of your power.

When you do the energy work with Rachel, you clear all of those false beliefs. When you give yourself permission to let go of the things that you have buried…

• You clear ALL the subconscious programming that is causing you to falter.

• You heal the wounds from your past.

• You feel partnered in your process to fulfil the legacy as to why you are here.

• You will know your strengths, you will trust your own power and you will feel secure to bring your big visions to life.

• Your relationship with money & wealth transforms - not only will you receive more, you will value yourself you will love & embrace money.

• You will be able to bring impact to the world & you will feel supported in your big vision.

• Opportunities, connections, incredible people will come into support your life seemingly out of nowhere.

• You will feel peace, joy, and fulfilment in all areas of your life.

Are you the leader in your own life?

Are you ready to champion your big vision?

Are you ready to stop tolerating what no longer serves you and commit to change?

Rachel's remarkable gifts will help get you there.

Rachel uses the power of sound, energy and intuition to reach deep into your soul, to discover what stories, traumas, and emotions are trapped in the body.

Guided by her intuition, Rachel clears what’s keeping you stuck (even if you don’t know what it is.) That is where the magic begins to happen as Rachel helps you to create release, freedom and healing on a level you never dreamed possible.

As you release ALL that no longer serves you, your mission becomes clearer, the sabotage stops, and you feel full of joy, energy and purpose.

You find the courage to truly connect with your deeper calling and impact the world in an even more meaningful way.

If you need critical shifts & transformation in your life Rachel’s unique EMBRACE programme is for you.




Rachel works with private clients for a period of 6-12 months, her most successful clients stay with her for 12 months. Using her unique EMBRACE programme she takes them on a journey of massive growth and transformation.

During your first call - Rachel will EXPLORE with you where you are now and where you truly want to be. Then the healing process begins to bridge the gap to get you there. In this healing process Rachel will guide you to MEND & HEAL. To clear out the layers of emotions, beliefs and blocked energy that has kept you stuck for so long.

Once the initial level of clearing has been done Rachel takes you to the core to help you BREAK- FREE from the subconscious hidden programming - this is where she works on any trauma, inner child healing, generational & past life trauma, karmic clearing. Then leading on to reprogramming of beliefs - this is the deep part this is where you are able to RECLAIM your power and move forwards.

At this point it’s like you are a new person and the work begins to make sure this is a permanent change. We begin the AWAKENING process, where you become all of who you are and CULTIVATE the new you. Rachel will unblock hidden gifts with you, your voice, your intuition, your unique magic so that your voice, your message your powers get stronger - Your vision and your legacy comes clearer and the pathway begins to open!

By the end, you are ready to EMBRACE freedom, expand and your business / purpose grows, next level opportunities happen - This is the magic and miracles space - life starts flowing because your energy has shifted, your vibration has risen and your are ready to EMBRACE all of who you are.

EMBRACE your legacy.


Rachel offers a variety of different ways to access her healing from tailored, self-led programmes to a private bespoke programmes

Prices range from £597 for self led courses with a minimum investment of £5K up for private work depending upon requirements, which will be co decided between yourself and Rachel.

Rachel works only with a handful of committed private clients at a time as such, you must be ready to do the deep work and you must be serious
about investing in yourself.

To find out what's the best course of action for you, book in for a chat with Rachel below.

In just 20 minutes, you'll get to see what magic she's capable of and why working with Rachel is your most logical next step.

A 1:1 private experience with Rachel Wayte is for leaders, business owners & entrepreneurs who are ready to unleash their full potential and power, so they can fulfil their desires and make the massive contributions they are here to make.

As a successful leader or growing entrepreneur you've already achieved so much but you know you’ve reached a plateau and you’re ready for something even bigger. It's time for you to rise.

You’re being called to expand even further and that requires you going within to free yourself from heavy emotions, self-sabotage, pain & trauma that can stop you in your tracks. Without these limitations holding you back you could achieve so much more.

The world needs you at your best, fully aligned with your purpose and 100% authentically you. It’s truly extraordinary the magic that happens when you finally allow yourself to be fully seen.

Rachel's remarkable gifts will help get you there.

Rachel uses the power of sound, energy and intuition to reach deep into your soul, to discover what stories, traumas, and emotions are trapped in the body.

Guided by her intuition Rachel clears what’s keeping you stuck (even if you don’t know what it is.) That is where the magic begins to happen as Rachel helps you to create release, freedom and healing on a level you never dreamed possible.

As you release ALL that no longer serves you, your mission becomes clearer, the sabotage stops, your feel full of joy, energy and purpose.

You find the courage to truly connect with your deeper calling and impact the world in an even more meaningful way.

A whole new world of possibilities, opportunities and ideas open to you...


"I have invested in healing for over 4 decades so feel I am a good litmus test for seeking out the best of the best healers from around the world.

I have directly experienced Rachel's gifts and am pleased to say she is in the TOP 1-3% of those in the world who bring profound gifts to those who lead"